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Dropshipping to your clients

We will ship your wholesale Queensberry purchases direct to your clients on request. Terms and conditions apply. Read on for more information about possible extra charges, documentation and how to request drop shipping.

Scroll down for more about drop-shipping to a different country.

Click here for more about selling retail through Workspace.


  • Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, UK: There is no extra charge for drop shipping  provided your client is in the same country as you (one shipment per order — extra shipments will be charged).
  • All other countries: Extra charges may be incurred on entry, as with normal orders.


  • Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, UK: Dropshipped orders do not contain any invoices or paperwork that will indicate the wholesale cost of the order from Queensberry to you.
  • All other countries: You should expect wholesale documentation to be enclosed as it will be required to calculate customs charges.

Photo Albums — how to request

Set up your album order in Workspace as normal. In the special instructions, request that we dropship the order directly to your client, as in the graphic. We need the following recipient information for the courier: 

  • Name
  • Delivery address
  • Email address
  • Contact phone number

See notes about documentation above.

Want to drop ship to another country? Scroll down.

Wholesale shopping cart orders— how to request

Your wholesale orders for boxes, frames, canvases, loose prints etc can be delivered direct to clients if you request it.

Set up your order in the Workspace shopping cart as normal. When you’re ready to check out, check the “Send directly to client” radio button. Enter their address details and we’ll ship the goods directly to them.

See notes about documentation above.

Want to drop ship to another country? Scroll down.

Retail shopping cart orders

Your retail shopping cart orders are shipped direct to your customers automatically. It’s a great service! — all you have to do is bank the profits. Your clients simply enter their address and we ship their orders directly to them. 

Drop shipping to another country

Drop shipping is normally available only when your clients are in the same country as you. If your clients are not in the same country, just add a note to your order and, if possible, we’ll sort something out for you. However, you will need to pay any extra shipping and customs clearance costs. If you don't hear back with a quote for out-of-region dropshipping, please follow up to

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