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Queensberry Colour Correction

Our Colour Correction services offer two main benefits — in addition to freeing up your time!

First, it will be our team's job to produce the best possible print for you (always dependent of the quality of the file, of course!).

And just as important, instead of going straight to the printer, our expert eyes will review each layout and image to ensure that every aspect of the product and the image is the best it can be. (It helps that real human beings do this, not an algorithm!)

Something to bear in mind, however, is that as a specialised portrait and wedding lab, we colour-correct to optimise natural skin-tones etc and to achieve consistency across the images in a product. But you may be after specific visual effects that conflict with that goal! If so it may be more practical to do the work yourself.

Here's a partial list of the problems that we check for, and can resolve before we do your printing:

  • Are the images ICC-profiled? Are there any obvious colour management problems?
  • Are the images correctly exposed? White balance OK etc?
  • Are the images soft or pixelated?
  • Are the image files big enough/good enough to print?
  • Are there problems that require artwork?

Here are some additional problems we check for in album layouts:

  • Are there alignment problems (irregularities) between images?
  • Are image borders too close to the page edge ?
  • Are there rotational problems or scaling problems ?
  • Are all the images present in the exported layouts?
  • Are the panorama pages split in appropriate positions?
  •  Are there opacity issues (we recommend no less than 60%)?

We do not guarantee that we will discover any or all problems that you or your client might notice. In the end, this is your responsibility and a matter of judgment. Always check your files carefully before sending them to us and complete any remedial artwork that YOU feel is necessary, or if you prefer arrange for us to do it for you.

If we do pick up on a problem with your files, we can refer the job back for you to resolve, or we can fix many of these issues for you (check your price list for details of our charges).

Below we explain the three different colour correction services we offer. 

1. Batch density/brightness control

You can request our affordable batch density/brightness control service when ordering loose silver halide or fine art prints up to size 13.3x10in, but not larger prints or albums. We review your files before printing and adjust density/brightness where necessary for consistent, high-quality prints.

This service is restricted to wholesale print orders only, and not available in your retail shopping cart.

2. Basic Colour Correction (albums only)

Basic colour correction is available for all Queensberry albums. A  small per page charge applies. Simply request Basic colour correction when you place your album order. (If you don't want us to colour correct please select the "Don't Touch" option when placing orders or setting up price lists.)

We INDIVIDUALLY CORRECT each file, adjusting RGB colour values, density (exposure, brightness) and contrast across the ENTIRE IMAGE, aiming for consistency across each layout. We can colour correct albums that you've designed yourself, but if you're uploading ready-made page layouts containing multiple images, layered PSDs are ESSENTIAL — so that we can colour correct each image independently.

For a small extra charge, you can upgrade from Basic to Premium colour correction.

3. Premium colour correction (for all Queensberry products and prints)

Premium colour correction offers even higher consistency and quality across all our prints and products, including albums. In addition to adjusting colour and contrast etc, we optimise skin tones, shadow and highlight detail as much as the file allows, paying particular attention to key points such as bridal dresses.

This is not an artwork service, although we may remove minor file imperfections if we notice them. In albums and boxes we aim for consistency across all images in the product. If you are ordering other products (eg frames and canvases) that will be displayed together please order them at the SAME TIME and ask us to correct them together.


At times, photographs need extra editing in order to remove distractions, or open the eyes of the one person who blinked in the family photo. At Queensberry, we can take care of all the extra editing for you, saving you precious time. Read more about our Art Work Services here.

Archiving your corrected files

Once your images have been satisfactorily corrected, they are saved with the changes. You can request a DVD burn of your images so that we can return the corrected layout files to you for archiving. We retain images on our own servers for three months after your order is completed.


On request, we will send you soft proofs so you can preview on screen the images as they will appear after printing. In certain circumstances, we may ask you to confirm that you are happy to proceed with printing on the basis of these soft proofs. We can also send you actual prints for approval (normal prices apply).

Before you place your order...

Before you place your order please double-check your files and page layouts (spreads) against our benefits of colour correction check list.


  • Are your special requests, comments or instructions clear?
  • Do you require copy albums or other companion products?
  • Have you included all image files (including the album cover image)?
  • If you require custom embossing, have you included the print-ready artwork?
  • Are your file specifications correct — especially resolution (DPI) and filenames?
  • Are you supplying the appropriate file type? (eg PSDs are required for Premium Colour Service).
  • Is any artwork required? Do you want Queensberry to do it? Are your instructions clear?
Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Ian Baugh

  2. Posted
